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Code Table Id Name XML Name Date Issued Date Updated
C142 CAREER-AND-TECHNICAL-ED-IND-CD TX-CareerAndTechnologyEdType 03/03/1993 12/1/2022
Code Translation

Not CTE:

A student who never completed any high-school CTE courses. 

CTE Program Participant:

A student who completes either one high school CTE course for any number of credits or more than one high school CTE course for less than two credits (the student does not have to pass or receive credit).

CTE Program Explorer:

A student who completes two or more high school CTE courses for a total of two or more credits and not a Participant, Concentrator or Completer (the student does not have to pass or receive credit) or;

A student who completes, passes, and receives enough credits to be coded as a Concentrator or Completer in a Regional Program of Study, but completes the year in an unapproved region. 


CTE Program Concentrator:

A student who completes and passes two or more high school CTE courses for a total of at least two credits within the same Program of Study and not a Completer.

CTE Program Completer:

A student who completes and passes three or more high school CTE courses for a total of four or more credits, including one level three or level four course from within the same Program of Study.


(1)  The values listed in C142 are calculated values and not submitted to TEA.

(2)  Not all high-school CTE courses are associated with a Program of Study. Use this link https://tea.texas.gov/academics/college-career-and-military-prep/career-and-technical-education/approved-cte-programs-study for a complete listing of Service IDs associated with a Program of Study.

(3) All CTE courses used in autocoding must be eligible for high-school credit, including innovative CTE courses. These CTE courses are listed in the SERVICE-ID (C022) Code Table with an "H" in the "Eligible for State HS Credit" column.

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