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Code Table Id Name XML Name Date Issued Date Updated
C018 PAYROLL-ACTIVITY-CODE TX-PayrollActivityCodeType 04/02/1987 9/1/2023
Code Translation

UIL Athletics: 

The additional duty of training or coaching students involved in UIL approved athletic programs. Examples include baseball, basketball, football, golf, etc.

Band Or Orchestra:

The additional duty of training, coaching or accompanying to contests and UIL meets students involved in the band or orchestra

Non-UIL Athletics: 

The additional duty of training or coaching students involved in non-UIL athletic programs. Examples include wrestling, gymnastics, weight-lifting, etc.
14 Tutorials:

All additional duties related to the operation of tutorial programs
15 Bilingual/ESL Teacher Incentive (FSP only): 

Salary paid to special language teachers for incentives to teach in the bilingual or ESL programs. This salary is in addition to salary normally paid to teachers

UIL Clubs/Activities: 

The additional duty of training, sponsoring, coaching, or accompanying to UIL meets students involved in non-athletic UIL activities
17 Non-UIL Clubs/Activities: 

The additional duty of training or sponsoring students involved in non-UIL clubs or activities
78 Non-Salary: 

Use to show $0 pay alternatively certified staff not paid directly by the district, and volunteer teachers or other volunteer professional staff (people who are working at no charge to the district in positions which would normally be held by salaried staff)
79 Other Supplemental Duties: 

All duties relating to activities not mentioned above
80 Base Salary: 

The duty or duties for which an individual is paid a base salary. Base salary does not include any supplements paid to an individual

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