Local Education Agency Responsibilities
Local Education Agencies are responsible for:
1. Submitting current, complete, and accurate data for all XML complex types required for each PEIMS and TSDS Collection;
2. Validating data per business rules and validations;
3. Correcting all errors during the data validation process in a timely manner; and
4. Delivering “fatal-free” corrected PEIMS and TSDS Submission data on or before the due dates set by their ESCs and TEA.
ESCs may establish earlier due dates to allow sufficient submission time to process and approve LEA data before the TEA deadline for each PEIMS and TSDS Submission (see the Submission Timelines). ESCs approve “fatal free” LEA data only and will notify LEAs when their data have been approved and made available to TEA for further processing.
Superintendents are responsible
for submitting the electronic "Superintendent’s
Statement of Approval of Summary
Report and Error Listing" (SOA) for each PEIMS Submission and resubmission
based on the final review of the LEA’s PEIMS data file.
1. The LEA has submitted all required PEIMS data with zero fatal errors;
2. The LEA has verified the accuracy and the authenticity of the PEIMS data submitted for the collection;
3. The PEIMS data presented in the summary reports and all warning messages in the validation error listing have been reviewed for accuracy; and
4. The accuracy and authenticity of the PEIMS data submitted for the collection.
PEIMS Submission and Resubmission Policy
Local education agencies are required to send complete and accurate PEIMS data, free of fatal errors, by the first submission deadline for each data submission as specified in the Data Submission Timelines.
The PEIMS data must be approved by the superintendent and accepted by the LEA’s Education Service Center PEIMS Coordinator before it can be accepted by TEA.
Failure to submit PEIMS data for a collection will result in the LEA being referred to the TEA General Counsel for further action. LEAs may also be subject to Texas Administrative Code (TAC) 19 97.1055 (b)(2)(A)(ii) if the first submission is complete and received.
LEAs are not required to send a resubmission of PEIMS data. The period between the first submission and the resubmission deadlines is an extension provided to all LEAs to review their original submission for any errors and make corrections.
If an LEA does not submit data during the resubmission window, or if the data is not free of fatal errors, TEA will use the PEIMS data sent for the first submission.
Immediately following the closure of a collection, the approved PEIMS data is loaded to TEA databases and made available to agency staff for state and federal reporting. TEA programs use PEIMS data to create products such as Standard Reports and Core products, accountability reports, dropout reports, Snapshot, Texas Academic Performance Reports (TAPR) reports, and School Report Cards. Any PEIMS data not submitted by the submission or resubmission deadlines are excluded from these important products.
All LEAs must meet the published first submission deadline for PEIMS Submission 3. Resubmissions for PEIMS Submission 3 are due by the published deadline, with the single exception of LEAs operating year-round schools. An LEA that provides year-round education can delay its one resubmission until two weeks following the end of its latest year-round school track, or until the August year-round date specified in the Data Submission Timelines, whichever comes first.
ESC Contacts
Questions concerning the TSDS Texas Education Data Standards (TEDS) or any of the above topics must be submitted through the TSDS Incident Management System (TIMS). Direct phone calls and emails may be redirected to the TSDS TIMS application.