The TSDS data that is reported to the Education Data Warehouse (EDW) is a single resource for Texas local education agencies (LEAs), campuses and Education Service Centers (ESCs) to upload their data in a standard format for use with multiple applications. The data is used to provide educators with the ability to submit their required state and federal reports from a single source in a timely manner.
TSDS data consists of seven categories: Education Organization, Finance, Staff, Student, Campus Course Section, Assessment, and Cohort.
Local Education Agencies (LEAs) will transmit their TSDS data collection to the Education Data Warehouse (EDW) using one or more interchange schemas drawn from the Ed-Fi Core and Texas Core Extension Schemas.
Access to TSDS
The TSDS system is only available to authorized LEA, campus, and ESC staff. A TEA issued logon is required to access the system.