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Code Table Id Name XML Name Date Issued Date Updated
DC060 EXIT-WITHDRAW-TYPE ExitWithdrawType 03/01/2012
Code Translation
01 Student is in a different public school in the same local education agency
02 Transferred to a public school in a different local education agency in the same state
03 Transferred to a public school in a different state
04 Transferred to a private, non-religiously-affiliated school in the same local education agency
05 Transferred to a private, non-religiously-affiliated school in a different local education agency in the same state
06 Transferred to a private, non-religiously-affiliated school in a different state
07 Transferred to a private, religiously-affiliated school in the same local education agency
08 Transferred to a private, religiously-affiliated school in a different local education agency in the same state
09 Transferred to a private, religiously-affiliated school in a different state
10 Transferred to a school outside of the country
11 Transferred to an institution
12 Transferred to home schooling
13 Transferred to a charter school
14 Graduated with regular, advanced, International Baccalaureate, or other type of diploma
15 Completed school with other credentials
16 Died or is permanently incapacitated
17 Withdrawn due to illness
18 Expelled or involuntarily withdrawn
19 Reached maximum age for services
20 Discontinued schooling
21 Completed grade 12, but did not meet all graduation requirements
22 Enrolled in a postsecondary early admission program, eligible to return
23 Not enrolled, unknown status
24 Student is in the same local education agency and receiving education services, but is not assigned to a particular school
25 Enrolled in an adult education or training program
26 Completed a state-recognized vocational education program
27 Not enrolled, eligible to return
28 Enrolled in a foreign exchange program, eligible to return
29 Withdrawn from school, under the age for compulsory attendance; eligible to return
30 Exited
31 Student is in a charter school managed by the same local education agency
32 Completed with a state-recognized equivalency certificate
33 Other
34 Removed by Child Protective Services
35 Transferred to a private school in the state
36 Graduated outside of state prior to enrollment
37 Completed equivalency certificate outside of state
38 Enrolled in University High School Diploma Program
39 Court ordered to a GED program, has not earned a GED
40 Incarcerated in a state jail or federal penitentiary as an adult
41 Graduated from another state under Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children
42 Dropout
43 End of school year
44 Invalid enrollment
45 No show

This code table is used in the following data element(s): This code table is used in the following complex type(s): E1433 EXIT-WITHDRAW-TYPE 40110 / 43415 StudentSchoolAssociationExtension