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Code Table Id Name XML Name Date Issued Date Updated
C223 GIFTED-TALENTED-PROGRAM-CODE TX-GiftedTalentedProgramCode 08/26/2019
Code Translation
00 Does not provide a program for gifted and talented students.
Part-time services in a classroom, other than the student's regular class, that take place on a regular schedule provided by a gifted/talented 30-hour foundational and 6-hour update trained teacher.
A gifted/talented 30-hour foundational and 6-hour update trained teacher provides occasional services to a student while the student is in their regular classroom.
Full-time gifted only
The student receives the majority of their core subjects from teachers with gifted/talented 30-hour foundational and 6-hour update training with peers who are all identified as gifted/talented.
Full-time inclusion
The student receives a majority of their core subjects from a specific teacher or teachers with gifted/talented 30-hour foundational and 6-hour update training, but the classes may include peers who are not identified as gifted/talented.
Special day school
A special school which is administratively separate from regular schools and is organized to serve gifted/talented students with gifted/talented 30-hour foundational and 6-hour update trained teachers.

This code table is used in the following data element(s): This code table is used in the following complex type(s): E1645 GIFTED-TALENTED-PROGRAM-CODE 10010 LocalEducationAgencyExtension