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Code Table Id Name XML Name Date Issued Date Updated
DC143 CLASSROOM-POSITION-TYPE ClassroomPositionType 03/01/2012 10/20/2020
Code Translation

Teacher of Record


Assistant Teacher


Support Teacher


Substitute Teacher


PK Classroom Aide


Teacher of Record - Indicates that the teacher is responsible for the classroom, making the final decisions about the instruction delivered and the final outcomes for the students assigned to the class.

Assistant Teacher - Indicates that the teacher is assigned to the class and works with the Teacher of Record providing instruction and/or other instructional services to the students in the class.

Support Teacher - Indicates that the teacher provides specialized services on a regular or irregular basis to students in the class.

Substitute Teacher - Indicates that the substitute teacher serves in a classroom in the absence of a teacher certified for that assignment where the teacher has quit, died, or been terminated.

PK Classroom Aide - Indicates that the Classroom Aide (Role-ID 033) serves the Teacher of Record on a regular or irregular basis in a Pre-Kindergarten classroom.

This code table is used in the following data element(s): This code table is used in the following complex type(s): E1454 CLASSROOM-POSITION 30305 / 50300 TeacherSectionAssociationExtension