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Code Table Id Name XML Name Date Issued Date Updated
C164 DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-CODE TX-DisciplinaryActionCodeType 03/02/1998 3/1/2020
Code Translation
The following codes apply to all students.


Without placement in another educational setting


With placement in a juvenile justice alternative education program (JJAEP)


With placement in an on-campus disciplinary alternative education program (DAEP). (Do not use this code when a student has been placed in a DAEP, but not expelled)


With placement in an off-campus DAEP. (Do not use this code when a student has been placed in a DAEP, but not expelled)
05 Out-Of-School Suspension

In-School Suspension:

(For students eligible for special education and related services, this includes any setting that has not been addressed by an admission, review, and dismissal committee within the placement determination of the student's current IEP.) 
07 Placement In An On-Campus Or Off-Campus DAEP
08 Continuation Of Other District’s DAEP Placement
09 Continuation Of Other District’s Expulsion Order
10 Continuation Of The District's DAEP Placement From The Prior School Year
11 Continuation Of The District's Expulsion Order From The Prior School Year
12 Continuation Of The District's Expulsion With Placement To JJAEP From The Prior School Year
13 Placement In A JJAEP By Court Order
14 Placement In A DAEP By Court Order
15 Continuation Of Other District’s Expulsion With Placement To JJAEP
25 Partial Day Out-Of-School Suspension
26 Partial Day In-School Suspension

Mandatory Disciplinary Action Not Taken By District:

(This code is used when a student’s behavior is determined to be linked to the student’s disability in a manifestation determination hearing made in accordance with IDEA by an ARD committee.)

Mandatory Disciplinary Action Not Taken By District:

The mandatory disciplinary action was not taken because the district considered one or more of the TEC §37.001(a)(4) provisions.

The following codes apply to students with disabilities.  In order to use these codes, a special education hearing officer (not a hearing officer employed or appointed by the district) must find the disciplinary action necessary to support a 20 U.S.C 1415(k)(3) hearing officer order.  


Expulsion Without Placement In Another Educational Setting: 

As a result of a determination by a special education hearing officer (not a hearing officer employed or appointed by the district)

Expulsion With Placement To A JJAEP: 

As a result of a determination by a special education hearing officer (not a hearing officer employed or appointed by the district)

Expulsion With Placement To An On-Campus DAEP: 

As a result of a determination by a special education hearing officer (not a hearing officer employed or appointed by the district)

Expulsion With Placement To An Off-Campus DAEP: 

As a result of a determination by a special education hearing officer (not a hearing officer employed or appointed by the district)

Placement In An On-Campus Or Off-Campus DAEP:

As a result of a determination by a special education hearing officer (not a hearing officer employed or appointed by the district)

Continuation Of Other District’s DAEP Placement: 

As a result of a determination by a special education hearing officer (not a hearing officer employed or appointed by the district)

Continuation Of Other District’s Expulsion Order: 

As a result of a determination by a special education hearing officer (not a hearing officer employed or appointed by the district)

Continuation Of The District's DAEP Placement From The Prior School Year: 

As a result of a determination by a special education hearing officer (not a hearing officer employed or appointed by the district)

Continuation Of The District's Expulsion Order From The Prior School Year: 

As a result of a determination by a special education hearing officer (not a hearing officer employed or appointed by the district)

Continuation Of The District's Expulsion With Placement To JJAEP From The Prior School Year:

As a result of a determination by a special education hearing officer (not a hearing officer employed or appointed by the district)

Placement In A JJAEP: 

As a result of a determination by a special education hearing officer (not a hearing officer employed or appointed by the district)

Continuation Of Other District’s Expulsion With Placement To JJAEP:  

As a result of a determination by a special education hearing officer (not a hearing officer employed or appointed by the district)

Used in the following data element(s):
Used in the following entities: