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Code Table Id Name XML Name Date Issued Date Updated
C146 FUNCTION-CODE TX-FunctionCodeType 03/01/1996 7/2/2012
Code Translation Eligible
Budget Payroll Actual SSA Actual CI Staff
00 No Function Y Y Y
11 Instruction Y Y Y
12 Instructional Resources And Media Services Y Y Y
13 Curriculum Development And Instructional Staff Development Y Y Y
21 Instructional Leadership Y Y Y
23 School Leadership Y Y Y
31 Guidance, Counseling, And Evaluation Services Y Y Y
32 Social Work Services Y Y Y
33 Health Services Y Y Y
34 Student (Pupil) Transportation Y Y Y
35 Food Services Y Y Y
36 Extracurricular Activities Y Y Y
41 General Administration Y Y Y
51 Facilities Maintenance And Operations Y Y Y
52 Security And Monitoring Services Y Y Y
53 Data Processing Services Y Y Y
61 Community Services Y Y Y
62 School District Administrative Support Services (Used by Education Service Centers Only) Y Y Y
71 Debt Service Y Y Y
81 Facilities Acquisition And Construction Y Y Y
91 Contracted Instructional Services Between Public Schools Y Y Y
92 Incremental Costs Associated With Chapter 41, Texas Education Code, Purchase Or Sale Of WADA Y Y Y
93 Payments to Fiscal Agent/Member Districts Of Shared Services Arrangements Y Y Y
95 Payments To Juvenile Justice Alternative Education Programs Y Y Y
97 Payments To Tax Increment Fund Y Y Y
99 Other Intergovernmental Charges (Effective September 1, 2002) Y Y Y

This code table is used in the following data element(s): This code table is used in the following complex type(s): E0317 FUNCTION-CODE 20030 BudgetExtension 20032 ActualExtension 30060 PayrollExtension