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Code Table Id Name XML Name Date Issued Date Updated
C061 EMERGENT-BILINGUAL-INDICATOR-CODE TX-LEPIndicatorType 04/10/1989 9/1/2021
Code Translation
0 Non-Emergent Bilingual (Non-EB)/Non-English learner (Non-EL)
1 Identified As Emergent Bilingual (EB)/English learner (EL)
F Student Reclassified from Emergent Bilingual (EB)/English learner (EL) Status - Monitored 1 (M1) - student has met reclassification criteria, is no longer classified as EB/EL in PEIMS, is in his or her first year of monitoring as required by 19 TAC §89.1220(k).
S Student Reclassified from Emergent Bilingual (EB)/English learner (EL) Status - Monitored 2 (M2) - student has met reclassification criteria, is no longer classified as EB/EL in PEIMS, is in his or her second year of monitoring as required by 19 TAC §89.1220(k).
3 Student Reclassified from Emergent Bilingual (EB)/English learner (EL) Status - Monitored 3 (M3) - student has met reclassification criteria, is no longer classified as EB/EL in PEIMS, is in his or her third year of monitoring as required by ESSA, 1111(b)(3)(B).
4 Student Reclassified from Emergent Bilingual (EB)/English learner (EL) Status - Monitored 4 (M4) - student has met reclassification criteria, is no longer classified as EB/EL in PEIMS, is in his or her fourth year of monitoring as required by ESSA, 1111(b)(3)(B).
5 Former Emergent Bilingual (EB)/EL Student (effective after fourth year of monitoring) - student has previously been identified as EB/EL, has met reclassification criteria, and has completed four years of monitoring. The student continues with this status through the remainder of his or her school years in Texas.

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