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Code Table Id Name XML Name Date Issued Date Updated
C229 ELO-ACTIVITY-CODE TX-ELOActivityCode 03/01/2021
Code Translation

Rigorous Coursework

Rigorous coursework is defined as a TEKS-aligned and credit-earning course, including dual credit and credit recovery activities.



Mentoring is defined as scheduled interaction between a trained adult and a specific student in which the adult provides support and life skills to help the student’s personal and academic development.



Tutoring is defined as one-on-one or small group, led by a certified teacher that provides content instruction or homework help. Tutoring does not include academic skill building activities.


Physical Activity

Physical activity is defined as activities designed to provide students with supplemental non-UIL opportunities for individual or group exercise, or related knowledge and skills that encourage regular physical activity.


Academic Support

Academic support is defined as supplemental support related to student academic skill development and may include compensatory education, test-taking skills, and related academic skill-building. Tutoring and homework help are not considered academic support.


Educational Enrichment

Educational Enrichment includes activities that engage students in actively exploring academic content and activities introduced during the regular school day. It consists of activities that are intentionally designed to align with but not replicate the instruction in a core course to increase the academic success of students in any subject, including fine arts, civic engagement, science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.

This code table is used in the following data element(s): This code table is used in the following complex type(s): E1719 ELO-ACTIVITY-CODE 10020 SchoolExtension