Excel edition, November 2024
This partial edition of the 2024-2025 Texas School Directory contains all data available immediately after the PEIMS Fall Snapshot of October 25, 2024.
Each of the following sections is displayed on a separate tab in the spreadsheet:
- Credits
- Linked Table of Contents
- TEA Org Chart
- Explanation of Terms and More
- District Status Changes
- Index of Districts and Charters
- District and Charter Directory
- Board of Trustee Members
- ESC Regions
- ESC Regions Served
- State Board Members
- SBOE by Districts and Charters
- Districts and Charters by SBOE
This file does not yet include data for the following sections: Board of Trustee Members, SBOE by Districts and
Charters, and Districts and Charters by SBOE. We will update the Excel file as soon as those data become available.
Download partial directory: