Choosing the Output Type

When the initial results of your search are displayed, three buttons appear above the column headings. Each of these buttons provides an on-screen preview of more detailed information than what is presented in the initial results.

Screenshot of output type button set showing View Directory, then Mailing Labels, then Email Addresses buttons

View Details provides the most complete set of information available.

Mailing Labels provides a rough preview of what mailing labels would look like if you downloaded a data file and used it with the mail merge function of a word processor to print mailing labels.

Email Addresses displays a subset of the selected organizations' information that includes email addresses when available.

Downloading a Data File

After clicking any of the buttons above, you can download the data in a format similar to the previewed format by clicking Download File, visible in the upper-left corner.

Screenshot of download file button

Click the button, then follow the prompts to save the file to a desired folder, or open it directly.


If you choose to open the file rather than save it, the application that opens it may do so in the background. If this happens, it will seem as if nothing happened when you clicked Open.