TED Administrator Questions

I am a TED administrator and I have update access to AskTED. Where do I start?

Log in to TEAL. Under the Texas Education Directory heading, click on your TEDS application link to open it.

Can I make updates in AskTED for more than one school year?

Yes. During a specified period of time each year, TED administrators can choose one of two school years to which changes will apply: the current school year or the coming school year. Please refer to the online help "Important AskTED User Considerations," available to district TED administrators in AskTED Administration.

Who can request a new campus ID?

TED Administrators and Superintendents are the only roles recognized by TEA to request new campus IDs. If other district personnel contact TEA asking for a new campus ID, we route the request back to the district TED administrator for authorization.  

How do I request a new campus ID?

Please refer to How to Request a New Campus ID.


For requests applying to the current school year, September 1 is the deadline for requesting to add a new campus as Active (except for a new disciplinary alternative education program [DAEP] or juvenile justice alternative education program [JJAEP] campus). This helps ensure time for processing before the Texas Student Data System (TSDS) Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS) class roster and charter waitlist collections. Such requests are typically processed over the summer, after the school year ends, and before the new school year begins. Contact the TEA TED Administrator at AskTED@tea.texas.gov or (512) 463-9809.

For requests applying to the upcoming school year, requests to add a new campus as Active that are received before August 15 may not be processed until after the public release of accountability ratings.

For any campus number request involving a campus with an overall D or F rating or identified for comprehensive support and improvement under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), districts and charter schools must first consult with the TEA Office of Governance and Accountability. Each such request is then reviewed by an agency campus number committee. For these reasons, as well as the deadline for campus status change requests, all campus number requests involving D- or F-rated campuses or campuses identified for comprehensive support and improvement must be received no later than August 16.

How do I change Campus Status from Active to Obsolete or from Under Construction to Active?

TED Administrators and Superintendents are the only roles authorized to request these changes. Contact the TEA TED Administrator at AskTED@tea.texas.gov and, in the body of the message, state the campus name, the 9-digit campus ID, and the requested change. The TEA TED administrator updates AskTED as requested and confirms changes by return email.


For requests applying to the current school year, September 1 is the deadline for requesting to change the status of a campus from Active to Obsolete or from Under Construction to Active (except for a new disciplinary alternative education program [DAEP] or juvenile justice alternative education program [JJAEP] campus). This helps ensure time for processing before the Texas Student Data System (TSDS) Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS) class roster and charter waitlist collections. Such requests are typically processed over the summer, after the school year ends, and before the new school year begins. Contact the TEA TED Administrator at AskTED@tea.texas.gov or (512) 463-9809.

For requests applying to the upcoming school year, campus status change requests received before August 15 may not be processed until after the public release of accountability ratings.

For any campus number request involving a campus with an overall D or F rating or identified for comprehensive support and improvement under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), districts and charter schools must first consult with the TEA Office of Governance and Accountability. Each such request is then reviewed by an agency campus number committee. For these reasons, as well as the deadline for campus status change requests, all campus number requests involving D- or F-rated campuses or campuses identified for comprehensive support and improvement must be received no later than August 16.

How do I update staff information?

Staff at ESCs and Districts can have more than one role listed in AskTED.

    1. Click District Personnel (or RESC Personnel) to access personnel options.

    2. Scroll to the bottom of the Personnel Listing page and click Add New Person.

    3. Using the text fields and drop-down lists, enter the person's name, role or roles, and their contact information.

    4. Hold down Ctrl, scroll through the Role box, and click on the roles you want to add.

    5. Release Ctrl and enter the rest of the contact information.

    6. Click Save to update the record.

    1. Follow Step 1 above.

    2. Click Edit next to the person’s name to open the record.

    3. Select Ctrl, scroll through the Role box, and click on the roles you want to add.

    4. Release Ctrl and click Save to update the record.

What do these personnel roles mean?

Most district personnel roles are self-explanatory. The table below provides additional information for roles that may not be understood based on the name alone.

District Role Notes and Description
Superintendent, Interim Superintendent, Acting Superintendent, Administrator, Director, Executive Director, and President All these roles describe the head of a district or charter organization. For each district or charter organization there can only be one person identified in any of these roles.
Child Find Contact Point of contact for Child Find federal mandate
PEIMS Coordinator Responsible for preparing Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS) submissions to TEA
TED Administrator Point of contact for the district Texas Education Directory (TED) records
Transition & Employment Designee Point of contact for transition and employment services for students enrolled in special education 
TREx Coordinator Texas Records Exchange (TREx) Coordinator
Web ER Contact Point of contact for the Web Expenditure Reporting (ER) application in TEAL

Four district roles by law should be filled:

Some less prominent personnel roles may not be filled depending on district needs and preference.

Education service centers (ESCs) have their own personnel roles in TED. The table below provides additional information for roles that may not be understood based on the name alone.

ESC Region Role Notes and Description
Child Find Point of contact for Child Find federal mandate
Co-Op Purchasing Point of contact for State of Texas Cooperative (CO-OP) Purchasing Program
CRCG Point of contact for Community Resource Coordination Groups
Lesson Study Point of contact for Texas Lesson Study teacher professional development programs
PEIMS Coordinator Responsible for assisting districts with Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS) submissions to TEA
TCLAS Point of contact for Texas COVID-19 Learning Acceleration Supports
TED Administrator Point of contact for the ESC Texas Education Directory (TED) records
TEKS Point of contact for the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS)
TETN Point of contact for the Texas Education Telecommunications Network (TETN) 
TREx Coordinator Texas Records Exchange (TREx) Coordinator
VI Orientation & Mobility Point of contact for visually impaired orientation and mobility
Visually Impaired Point of contact for visually impaired issues
Web ER Contact Point of contact for the Web Expenditure Reporting (ER) application in TEAL

As with district roles, not all ESC roles will necessarily be filled.

The only personnel role tracked in TED at the campus level is principal.

How do I update a superintendent record?

Use the following steps to update a superintendent record:

  1. Click District Personnel.

  2. Click Edit next to the superintendent's name to open the record. Update the contact information, including the email address.

  3. Click Save to update the record.


The following roles are equivalent to "Superintendent." Only one superintendent or equivalent role can be entered in AskTED for each district:

  • Interim Superintendent
  • Acting Superintendent
  • Administrator
  • Director
  • Executive Director
  • President

How do I update a principal record?

Use the following steps to update a principal record:

  1. Click School Administration.

  2. Click Edit next to the school name to display the School Administration Edit page.

  3. Click School Personnel.

  4. Click Edit next to the principal's name to open the record. Update the information, including the email address.

  5. Click Save to update the record.

How do I change a campus grade span?

Use the following steps to update a campus grade span:

  1. Click School Administration.

  2. Click Edit next to the school name to display the School Administration Edit page.

  3. On the School Administration Edit screen, select the desired grades.

  4. Click Save to update the record.

Our district needs to change the shipping address for our testing materials. Can I update that through AskTED?

Yes, a district TED administrator can update the testing materials shipping address in AskTED. Please go to the online help available to district TED administrators in AskTED Administration, navigate to the District Administration > Organization help page, and follow the instructions for adding or updating the testing materials shipping address.

Do I need to enter email addresses for the staff listed in AskTED?

Yes, because email is the primary method of communication from TEA to ESCs and districts.