Managing Approvers

If you are an administrator, you can assign new approvers for an application, edit the information for a specific approver, or revoke approver privileges.

Assigning a New Approver

Editing an Approver

Revoking Approver Privileges

Assigning a New Approver

To assign a new approver, complete the following steps:


If you already used the Manage Other Users page to select the user whose approver privileges you want to manage, the user is still selected for work on this page. You do not need to select the user again.

  1. On the Home page, under Administration, select Manage Approvers. The Manager Approvers tab opens, as shown in the following screenshot:

Search approvers

  1. Use the Filter Options to find an approver as follows:

  1. Click Search Approvers, as shown above.

  2. Click Assign New Approver, as shown in the following screenshot:

Assign New Approver

A page like the following appears:

Request New Approver Status

  1. In the User ID field, type the user ID of the person you want to make an approver. As you begin typing the ID, the ID may complete itself. The person's ID appears at the top of the page with a list of organizations the person is an approver for, if any.

  2. Click Request Approver Status, as shown above.

  3. If you forgot to select a user ID, a box pops up asking you to provide it. Otherwise, the Approver Status Details page appears, as shown in the following screenshot:

Approver Status Details

  1. Select the appropriate type of approver, as described in the following table:
Approver Type Approver Description
Primary Approver You are the person at your organization who is responsible for approving requests for access.
Alternate Approver

You are the Primary Approver's designated alternate.


Alternate Approvers for independent school districts must submit school board meeting minutes that authorize delegation of Primary Approver authority to TEA's Computer Access team. For more information, refer to the TEAL Quick Reference for Organization Approvers, available on the TEA web site.

Limited Approver You are a person at your organization who is responsible for approving requests to a specific application, for example, you approve access to Educator Certification at the University of Texas.
Service Approver You are the person at TEA who is responsible for granting access to a specific application for any organization.


The parameters you must complete depend upon the application and the type of approver.

  1. Begin typing the name or county-district number of the organization whose requests the user will approve. A list appears with matching entries. Select the organization from the list. If you are selecting access for a Primary Approver, click Add to add it to the Selected Organizations list. To select another organization, repeat this process. (Remove organizations from the list by clicking on them and selecting Remove.)

  2. If requested, select the application for which the person will approve requests.

  3. Type any comments about the approver status. These comments will be included on the email that goes to the user.

  4. Click Submit. TEAL submits it for processing. If it is approved, the person receives notification of approver status.

  5. Click Done when you are finished working on this page.

Editing an Approver

To edit an approver, complete the following steps:

  1. In the Administration pane, select Manage Approvers.

  2. Use the Filter Options to find a specific approver by type of approver or organization name or both.

  3. Select a specific type of approver to search by approver type.

  4. Begin typing the name or county-district number for the organization. When the list of matching organizations appears, select the organization from the list.

  5. Click Search Approvers.

  6. Select the approver you wish to edit.

  7. Click Edit Selected Approver. The Manage Approvers tab opens, as shown in the following screenshot:

Manage Approvers

  1. From this page, you can request approver status for a different application or you can revoke a selected status.

Revoking Approver Privileges

You can revoke all approver privileges from a selected approver or group of approvers, or you can revoke specific approver privileges for one person.

Revoking Specific Approver Privileges

To revoke a user's approver privileges for a specific application or organization, complete the following steps. Revoking a user's approver privileges does not remove any accounts, IDs, or any privileges the user has to approve requests for other applications or organizations.

  1. Complete the steps above to edit a specific approver.

  2. Select the specific privilege you want to revoke.

  3. Click Revoke Selected Status.

  4. Click OK to confirm you want to revoke the privilege. A message informs you that your request is submitted for processing.

  5. Click Done when you are finished working on the page.

Revoking All Approver Privileges

To revoke all of a user's approval privileges, complete the following steps. Revoking a user's approval privileges does not remove any accounts or IDs.

  1. On the Home page, in the Administration pane, select Manage Approvers.

  1. Use the Filter Options to find a specific approver by type of approver or organization name or both.

  1. Click Search Approvers.

  2. Select the ID of the person or people whose approver privileges you wish to revoke.

  3. Click Revoke All for Selected.

  4. Click OK to confirm you want to revoke all approver privileges.  A message informs you that your request is submitted for processing.